How To Deal With Your Shyness At Work?

Difficulty expressing yourself in front of a stranger, inability to speak in front of a group, sweating, stammering, blushing, shortness of breath, wanting to go unnoticed … Shyness, whether in personal or professional life, can be more or less strong , depending on the person and the situation, and is therefore more or less easy to manage. According to a Stanford University study of 5,000 people, 80% of them say they are or have been shy. Shyness can be a real handicap and can prevent us from seizing certain opportunities, but overcoming it is possible.

Introversion and shyness

Often introversion and shyness go hand in hand , but they are two different personality traits. An introverted person does not really enjoy social situations but does not feel stress or discomfort in these cases. She needs to spend time alone to recharge her batteries. A shy person is insecure and not relaxed in a large group of people (or even around a single person), especially when they are unfamiliar to them.

Shyness can be an asset

Shy people take more time to think and organize their thoughts. A study on the knowledge of American students showed that the timid mastered better than the other 19 subjects out of the 20 proposed. Their listening skills and empathy are greatly appreciated. They are also observers, and better analyze emotions. Their discretion means that they are seen as reliable people who can be trusted and sought advice in the event of a problem. Being shy can therefore sometimes be an asset.

Overcome your shyness

Overcoming your shyness is not easy, it takes time and above all requires being ready. There isn’t just one way to do it. Here are some tips that can help overcome your shyness:

    • Caring less about what people think or say (at best: ignore)
    • Do not worry about the gaze of others
    • Stay yourself
    • Talk slowly
    • Breathe properly
    • Gain self-confidence
    • Thinking about the positive things you have accomplished in your life
    • Knowing how to stay calm to objectively perceive things
    • Remember that others are also human beings
    • Remember that no one is perfect
    • Knowing how to be proud of yourself and your work
    • Practice a team sport
    • Undergo psychotherapy
    • Surround yourself with sociable, extroverted people to motivate yourself
    • Decide to overcome her shyness, rather than let her dominate us
  • Challenge yourself on a daily basis (asking for information from an unknown person for example)

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Should You Be Friends With Your Colleagues, Your Boss On Facebook?

Having an account on Facebook has become common for most of us. Usually, personal information and photos are posted and shared. If your colleagues or your boss ask you as a friend, should you accept or refuse? You hesitate to add them? Is it really the best thing to do? Should we mix professional and personal life?

Should we accept friend requests from our colleagues, our boss?

Have two Facebook accounts

You can create two Facebook accounts: one reserved for your loved ones, the other for your professional network. So, you just need to check that you are connected to the right account in order to play, publish statuses, publish photos …

User-friendliness and speed

Facebook is a user-friendly network that allows you to communicate and exchange documents quickly. If the content of your account is well controlled, why not accept requests?

Understanding and trust

If you are close to your coworkers or your boss, there seems to be no reason to refuse requests. For example, in small companies, the hierarchical level is not very visible, the workforce is small, so people are generally closer, even become friends.

Set up your account

Just because you accept your boss or coworkers doesn’t mean you have to completely deny yourself from using Facebook like you used to. Note that you can create groups and define what people in them have access to.

Do not send the invitation

It is better not to send the friend request, especially insofar as it is addressed to your superior, because the approach could seem interested.

Facebook for the personal sphere

You have the right to refuse requests, but it is better to give a reason so as not to upset or hurt people. If it’s because you don’t like the person, it might not be the best thing to say clearly. Indicate that you prefer to keep Facebook in your private circle.

Adding to a professional network

If you receive a friend request, you can also send an invitation to join a professional network such as LinkedIn in return. As a result, the person will surely understand for himself that you keep your Facebook account for your loved ones.

Do nothing

Leaving a received friendship request pending is not the best solution, even if you might think so. Indeed, if you do this by adding the fact that you never go on Facebook, it implies hiding your activity to be credible (not to change your profile picture or cover photo in particular).

Have a public profile

This is the worst mistake. If your account is public, and you don’t care who can access the information you post, everyone will see everything you do. It’s not the best way to look professional.

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